Entrepreneurship Research in Social Science PhDs
I put together some thoughts for people who 1) are considering starting or recently started a social science PhD and 2) are interested in entrepreneurship. I write about: why do it, what it is, topics, methods, coursework, conferences, and the aftermath. What I write here is essentially what I wish I knew when I started my PhD. Naturally, this is just my view, and it’ s always best to get advice from different people. This post was published on April 25th 2020, and is going through numerous iterations. If you have any feedback, I‘d love to hear from you at andreacontigiani2019@gmail.com.
1—First of all, why?
Why study people starting companies rather than start companies? That’s a fair question.
You might be a nerd, maybe you like to play with data. (But these days you do a lot of data in startups too.) You might be terribly risk-averse. (But a PhD is quite a risky asset.) You might be lazy. (But doing a PhD is a lot of work, probably more than you imagine.) So, no obvious answer.
I like to think that doing research in entrepreneurship combines stimulating intellectual activity with possibly having some impact on the real world. This is not the case of all academic fields. (Speaking of impact in academia, I highly recommend this and this.)
Plus, studying entrepreneurship and being an entrepreneur are not mutually exclusive — for example, see Karl Ulrich. (More broadly, being an academic in whatever field and starting a company are not mutually exclusive. Here is a famous example.)
For the rest of this blog, I’ll make two assumptions: 1) you are at years [-1, 3] of a PhD in social science, 2) you want to do research in entrepreneurship. If both apply, (I hope) this information is useful to you.
2 — Now, what is it?
You can study (i.e. write a dissertation on) entrepreneurship from many social science PhDs, especially PhDs in business-related fields. (Abhishek Nagaraj offers an excellent guide on how to apply to business PhDs, so make sure to read that.) In particular, studying entrepreneurship is common in PhDs in Strategy, Organizational Behavior, Finance, Operations Management, Information Systems, Economics, and Sociology. (Probably more, but this is what I have seen so far.)
Whichever field\discipline you come from, what does entrepreneurship actually mean? Fundamentally, creating an organization to do something. Lots of people have stricter\broader perspectives though.
Here is a list of classic books lots of entrepreneurs have read.
- Kawasaki 2004 The Art of the Start
- Feld 2011 Venture Deals
- Ries 2011 The Lean Startup
- Thiel 2014 Zero To One
- Horowitz 2014 The Hard Thing about Hard Things
Here is a list of classic books providing some broad perspectives on entrepreneurship research.
- Drucker 1985 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Bhide’ 2000 Origin and Evolution of New Businesses
- Shane 2004 A General Theory of Entrepreneurship
- Davidsson 2004 Researching Entrepreneurship
- Aldrich & Ruef 2006 Organizations Evolving
- Lerner 2009 Boulevard of Broken Dreams
- Wasserman 2013 The Founder’s Dilemmas
And here is a list of classic papers providing broad perspectives on entrepreneurship from the research viewpoint.
- Baumol 1990 Entrepreneurship: Productive, Unproductive, and Destructive
- Kirzner 1997 Entrepreneurial Discovery and the Competitive Market Process: An Austrian Approach
- Amit & al 1993 Challenges to Theory Development in Entrepreneurship Research
- Shane & Venkataraman 2000 The Promise of Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research
- Alvarez & Barney 2007 Discovery and creation: alternative theories of entrepreneurial action
- Sorenson & Stuart 2008 Entrepreneurship: A Field of Dreams?
- Kerr & al 2014 Entrepreneurship as Experimentation
- Astebro & al 2014 Seeking the Roots of Entrepreneurship: Insights from Behavioral Economics
3 — What does one actually study?
As I think about questions, I find it helpful to start from what entrepreneurs think\write\do. While obviously not a comprehensive list, here are some sources I particularly like:
- Blogs—Paul Graham, Brianne Kimmel, Sam Altman, Tim Ferriss, Brad Feld, Steve Blank, Eric Ries
- Twitter — Marc Andreessen, Josh Kopelman, Andrew Reed, Amy Sun
- Podcasts — Masters of Scale, Equity, TwentyMinutesVC, AxiosProRata
- News — TechCrunch, CB Insights, Quartz Tech, The Atlantic Tech
Going into research, here is a list of classic papers touching upon (what I think are) some fundamental topics:
- Eisenhardt & Schoonhoven 1990 Organizational Growth: Linking Founding Team, Strategy, Environment, and Growth Among U.S. Semiconductor Ventures, 1978–1988
- Aldrich & Fiol 1994 Fools Rush in? The Institutional Context of Industry Creation
- Sarasvathy 2001 Causation and Effectuation: Toward a Theoretical Shift from Economic Inevitability to Entrepreneurial Contingency
- Klepper 2001 Employee Startups in High‐Tech Industries
- Gompers & Lerner 2001 The Venture Capital Revolution
- Gompers & al 2005 Entrepreneurial Spawning: Public Corporations and the Genesis of New Ventures, 1986 to 1999
- Katila & al 2008 Swimming with Sharks: Technology Ventures, Defense Mechanisms and Corporate Relationships
- Gompers & al 2010 Performance persistence in entrepreneurship
- Campbell & al 2011 Who leaves, where to, and why worry? Employee mobility, entrepreneurship and effects on source firm performance
- Hsu & Ziedonis 2013 Resources as dual sources of advantage: Implications for valuing entrepreneurial‐firm patents
- Nanda & Mollick 2015 Wisdom or Madness? Comparing Crowds with Expert Evaluation in Funding the Arts
- Packard & al 2017 Uncertainty Types and Transitions in the Entrepreneurial Process
And here is a list of recent papers that (in my view) look at some of the topics at the center of the current debate:
- Huang & Pearce 2017 Managing the Unknowable: The Effectiveness of Early-stage Investor Gut Feel in Entrepreneurial Investment Decisions
- Bernstein & al 2017 Attracting Early‐Stage Investors: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment
- Contigiani & Levinthal 2019 Situating the construct of lean start-up: adjacent conversations and possible future directions (Disclaimer — I co-wrote this!)
- Cohen & al 2019 The Role of Accelerator Designs in Mitigating Bounded Rationality in New Ventures
- Gans & al 2019 Foundations of entrepreneurial strategy
- Camuffo & al 2020 A Scientific Approach to Entrepreneurial Decision Making: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial
Naturally, this is just a small sample— there are lots of great papers I did not list. The best way to keep an eye on the work being published is to follow the generalist journals in related disciplines (Management Science, Research Policy, Strategic Management Journal, Strategy Science, Organization Science, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Finance, MIS Quarterly, American Economic Review, American Sociological Review, etc) and the journals specific for entrepreneurship (Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice).
4 — How to study it?
Entrepreneurship is a broad phenomenon that can be looked at from a variety of angles. The way you study it partly depends on the angle you take. Still, there is a common ground of concepts\tools that matters to most researchers in this area. If we follow some version of the scientific method, we typically come up with a theory and then test it. I list a series of papers that illustrate different ways to do each.
The first step to come up with a theory. I have seen few good discussions of what a theory is, but here is a classic one on what theory is not. There are different approaches to theory building. (Here is a nice discussion on the advantages of formal theory.)
Verbal Theorizing
- Big Picture: Suddaby 2006 What Grounded Theory is Not; Siggelkow 2007 Persuasion with Case Studies; Eisenhardt & Graebner 2007 Theory Building From Cases: Opportunities And Challenges
- Example: Christensen & Bower 1996 Customer Power, Strategic Investment, and the Failure of Leading Firms; Wry & York 2017 An Identity-Based Approach to Social Enterprise
Formal Theorizing via analytical models
- Big Picture: Varian 2016 How to Build an Economic Model in Your Spare Time
- Example: Hellman & Perotti 2011 The Circulation of Ideas and Markets
Formal Theorizing via simulation
- Big Picture: Davis & al 2007 Developing Theory Through Simulation Methods
- Example: Levinthal 2007 Adaptation on Rugged Landscapes
Once you have a theory, you have to test it. Testing a theory typically requires identifying a population, selecting a sample, collecting data, and running some sort of empirical analysis. Here is a list of common methodologies that help for some of these steps.
- Big Picture: CSU Survey Research
- Example: Bloom & Van Reenen 2007 Measuring and Explaining Management Practices Across Firms and Countries
Lab Experiments
- Big Picture: Falk & Heckman 2009 Lab experiments are a major source of knowledge in the social sciences
- Example: Kagan & al 2017 Ideation–Execution Transition in Product Development: An Experimental Analysis
Field Experiments
- Big Picture: Duflo & al 2006 Using Randomization in Development Economics Research: A Toolkit; Chatterji & al 2015 Field Experiments in Strategy Research
- Example: McKenzie 2017 Identifying and Spurring High-Growth Entrepreneurship: Experimental Evidence from a Business Plan Competition
Regression Analysis (especially for causal inference)
- Big Picture: Hamilton & Nickerson 2003 Correcting for Endogeneity in Strategic Management Research; Roberts & Whited 2013 Endogeneity in Empirical Corporate Finance
- Example: Samila & Sorenson 2011 Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Growth
Matching (sometimes coupled with regression analysis)
- Big Picture: Stuart 2010 Matching methods for causal inference: A review and a look forward
- Example: Lyons & Zhang 2017 Who does (not) benefit from entrepreneurship programs?
Text Analysis
- Big Picture: Grimmer & Stewart 2013 Text as Data: The Promise and Pitfalls of Automatic Content Analysis Methods for Political Texts
- Example: Corritore & al 2019 Duality in Diversity: How Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Cultural Heterogeneity Relate to Firm Performance; Guzman & Li 2020 Measuring Founding Strategy
Machine Learning (especially in terms of predictive modeling)
- Big Picture: Mullainathan & Spiess 2017 Machine Learning: An Applied Econometric Approach
- Example: van Witteloostuijn & Kolkman 2019 Is firm growth random? A machine learning perspective
Yes — this is a lot of stuff. Naturally, you have make some choices. Harbir Singh teaches a (historical) Corporate Strategy class in the Wharton Management PhD. One thing he often says is that research is about three things — theory, methods, phenomenon — and it’s smart to focus on two. If you are reading this, you probably like entrepreneurship as a phenomenon. So, the advice is to pick just one more: theory or methods.
5 — Coursework In-House and Elsewhere
Typically, a PhD program in social science starts with a two-year coursework-intensive period. Your program will offer a variety of courses, including core courses within your field (Strategy, Org Behavior, Corporate Finance, Operations Management, etc), discipline-based courses (Economics, Sociology, Psychology, etc), methods courses (Research Design, Verbal Theorizing, Formal Modeling, Statistics, Qualitative Research, etc), and elective courses (Entrepreneurship, Innovation, etc).
Here is a list courses that I would make sure to take:
- A course on entrepreneurship (from whichever angle — strategy, organizational theory, economics, etc)
- A course on technology (especially covering technology strategy, R&D, intellectual property, etc)
- A course on strategy (especially covering the core theories in Strategic Management, such as Resource Based View, Transaction Cost Economics, Value Based Strategy, etc)
- A course on organizational behavior (especially covering creativity, teams, organizational structure, organization design, etc)
- A course on venture financing (especially covering venture capital)
- Lots of methodological courses (again, it’s probably useful to focus on developing one skill, theory-building or empirical work, but you can obviously do more)
Something few PhD students do is to consider learning opportunities outside the in-house coursework. This is actually a good opportunity to expand your view and meet new people. Here is a list of coursework-type opportunities (more or less) related to entrepreneurship:
- NBER Entrepreneurship Research Boot Camp, NBER Innovation Research Boot Camp, NBER Digitization Tutorial
- Medici Summer School (the topic changes yearly, but it is often related to entrepreneurship)
Here is a list of coursework-type opportunities focused on empirical work:
- Barcelona Microeconometrics Summer School
- ESTIMATE Summer School (partly taught by Jeff Wooldridge)
- Various courses from Statistical Horizons (started by Paul Allison)
6 — Conferences & Social Events
It turns out conferences are really important (and occasionally fun). Each field has its own flagship conference (AOM, SMS, AFA, INFORMS, AEA, ASA, etc), and typically those conferences have entrepreneurship-related sessions. Plus, there are conferences specifically focused on entrepreneurship or related themes.
In general, a lot of great entrepreneurship-related events are organized by the Kauffman Foundation, the leading player in entrepreneurship research in the US and possibly worldwide. I’d recommend following their work closely and interacting with their community. (In fact, various of the events I list are funded and\or organized by Kauffman.)
Here is a list of great conferences:
- Georgia Tech REER Conference
- West Coast Research Symposium on Technology Entrepreneurship
- DRUID Conference
- Wharton Tech & Innovation Conference
- Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference
- Smith Entrepreneurship Research Conference
- INSEAD Doriot Entrepreneurship Conference
- IGL Global Conference
- Wharton Innovation Doctoral Symposium (Disclaimer — I started this!)
7 — What Happens After?
The work you do during your program leads to a dissertation. Typically, you defend it in Spring of year 4, 5, or 6. The dissertation is a portfolio of 1 to 4 research papers, one of which is also your Job Market Paper.
During the Summer before your dissertation defense and graduation, you might want to think about what to do next. There is a variety of options after a good PhD in social science — including data science, consulting, policy, or academia. If you do take the academic route, you go through the mythical process that some like to call Job Market. (I talk about it in this post!)
Thank you for reading all the way through here. I hope this information was helpful. If you have feedback, please reach out at andreacontigiani2019@gmail.com. Avanti tutta!